Thursday, March 26, 2015

An Open Letter to Indiana

Dear Indiana,

I know many of your citizens, former and current, and none of them are (100%) insane (I'll admit that many are "quirky"). In fact, the ones I know are all caring, intelligent, empathetic and fair. It is to them that this post is dedicated.


I'm sympathetic to the fine people of Indiana because we've all voted someone into office who has later proved themselves to be bat-shit crazy. We don't mean to do it. They run a strong campaign, do a good job for a few years, build some trust, and then WHAMMO! It's happened to all of us. I do not blame you, fine citizens of Indiana, for your Governor (who shall remain unnamed in this post lest he rises even higher on Google's search engine).

In case you didn't get to see the news, this Governor signed into law the "Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act". This "law" allows business owners to deny service to gay couples. Or at least that's how it's being advertised. In truth, it does much more. It says that anyone can refuse service to anyone based on religious beliefs. The law does not mention homosexuals, or homosexual couples, at all (you can read the law here). Frankly, that was all just marketing. Which should have straight folks shaking in their boots.

{WARNING - Gross generalizations and stereotyping ahead! Hang with me, please!}

You know the deli you love that is owned by a Jewish person? They can refuse you service because you eat bacon. Bye-bye pastrami on rye!

The Muslim that owns the local store? Better not send a woman to pick up a few things unless she's properly covered.

Aethists? You may as well plant a garden and build a bunker right now because you got nothing.

Here's the thing...

Businesses can already make this decision.Furthermore, businesses have been making this decision to decades. The difference in Indiana, today, is that the business cannot get sued for making that decision if it is based on their religious beliefs. That sucks. It legalizes discrimination. But the truth is that most people can't afford to sue in the first place. So in that realistic regard, BIG WOOP! It's still a pretty big deal in terms of that pesky document on which our country was founded (the Declaration of Independence) which states that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness". (I'll save the "men" part for another post). BUT, there is good news! This heinous, ridiculous law does NOT prevent the following (Indianans, take note):

You do NOT have to patronize these businesses. If there is a silver lining in all of this it is that (really horrible, discriminatory) business owners will (feel a level of comfort that makes them think it's a good idea to) out themselves. We'll all know to whom we should not give our money! Yeah!

You CAN call these folks out on social media (don't be slanderous, that's illegal too!). Use the power of your social network to raise awareness.Not into social media? Fine. Tell your friends and family using whatever method of communication you choose to employ. I'm just saying, GET THE WORD OUT! 

You can buy this shirt!
I started a campaign at All, as in 100%, of the money raised by this campaign will go to NOH8, an organization which promotes equality for all citizens of the United States and the world. Outside of the wedding industry, I'm not sure how discriminatory businesses in Indiana will determine which customers don't meet their religious standards. So how about we all wear this shirt (many other styles available, by the way) and confuse the hell out of them?  This campaign will only be active for 3 weeks, so don't delay!

Finally, VOTE! Vote for legislators who are not writing laws that call out groups of people based on sexual orientation, gender, or race; and allow businesses to discriminate against regular ole American, tax-paying citizens. Which reminds me, the Governor didn't do this alone. Here are all the other folks who thought this was a good idea that aren't getting enough play in this story.:

Authored by
Sen. Dennis Kruse,
Sen. Scott Schneider,
Sen. Brent Steele.
Co-Authored by
Sen. Carlin Yoder,
Sen. James Buck,
Sen. Amanda Banks,
Sen. Liz Brown,
Sen. James Smith,
Sen. James Tomes,
Sen. Greg Walker,
Sen. Brent Waltz,
Sen. Mark Messmer,
Sen. Jean Leising.
Sponsored by
Rep. Timothy Wesco,
Rep. Jud McMillin,
Rep. Don Lehe,
Rep. Milo Smith,
Rep. Bruce Borders,
Rep. Dale DeVon,
Rep. Timothy Harman,
Rep. Robert Heaton,
Rep. Chris Judy,
Rep. Eric Allan Koch,
Rep. Robert Morris,
Rep. Alan Morrison,
Rep. Mike Speedy,
Rep. Jeffrey Thompson,
Rep. Thomas Washburne,
Rep. Matthew Lehman,
Rep. David Frizzell,
Rep. Randall Frye,
Rep. Richard Hamm,
Rep. Curt Nisly,
Rep. Woody Burton,
Rep. Anthony Cook,
Rep. Doug Miller,
Rep. Jim Lucas,
Rep. Rhonda Rhoads.

It would appear that all but 3 of these folks are men. I smell "issues".

The bottom line is that all business have a bottom line. To segregate part of the law-abiding population is a bad business move. I'm optimistic that most businesses in Indiana know this. I'm also optimistic that those who don't will get their just desserts.

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